Wooden Glasses

日本は世界でも有数の、多様な木が存在する国です。 古来より日本人は木とともに生き、そのアイデンティティは木と密接に結びついてきました。 建築材や日用品に使われてきた木ですが、63mokkoはその可能性を更に「身につけるもの」に広げていきます。

高度な木工技術で知られる飛騨高山で、63mokkoは技術を学びました。 その経験を元にお客さま一人ひとりに合った眼鏡を制作しています。 個々の木の魅力〜樹種ごとに異なる肌さわり、その木が持つ特性、時間と共に変わる色調〜を最大限に活かして、 既成概念にとらわれない様々な手法で、懐かしくも革新的な「身につける木のもの」を提案いたします。

Japan is a country with a variety of trees in the world. The Japanese have lived with the tree for a long time. Their identity have associated with the tree deeply. The tree has been used as building materials and daily necessities. And 63mokko widen the possibility to "a thing to wear" more.

I learned a technique in Hida-Takayama known as the high woodwork technology. I produce the glasses which matched each customer by the experience. I make use of the individual charm of trees to the maximum. Different skin touches by tree's kind, the characteristic that the tree has, Color to change with time. I suggest "thing of the tree to wear" with innovative and nostalgia by various technique not to be seized with an established concept.

I hope that a person valuing way of own life wears it.
This is carefully made wooden glasses only for you.


お客様が最も気持ち良い状態でお使いいただけるように、自分だけの眼鏡を手に入れていただけるように、63mokkoの木製眼鏡はオーダーメイドにてご注文を承っております。 眼鏡の形、木の種類をお選びいただき、一人ひとりのお顔に合うフィッティングを採寸していきます。 オーダーメイドの体制を取っているため、63mokkoの店舗か各地で行う受注販売会でご注文いただけます。

【レンズについて】 お好みのレンズをお選びできます。 眼の処方箋をいただくか、おかけになっている眼鏡をお借りして推奨眼鏡店にてお作りしています。 お客様ご自身で眼鏡店でご注文いただくことも可能です。
63mokko Wooden Glasses take the order by custom-made. Because a customer is usable most comfortably. Because a customer obtains glasses only for oneself. You can choose the shape of glasses and the kind of woods. I measure the fitting which matched each one. I take the custum-making system. Therefore you can order 63mokko's atelier shop or order sale in each place.

【About lens】 You can choose the necessary lens. I make lens by the recommendation optical shop if you show a prescription's data or you lend your usual glasses. Or the customer can order by yourself in the optical shop which always visits.


木の眼鏡のいいところは、軽くて疲れにくいところ、そして肌触りが良いところです。 63mokkoの眼鏡は、敏感肌のお客様からも汗をかく夏場でも肌が荒れないと嬉しい言葉をいただきました。 そして、金属アレルギーの方のために「病気やアレルギーに悩むことなく快適に過ごし、すべての方が輝ける社会を目指して」という理念のもと活動している 金属アレルギー協会様から受賞されました。 アレルギーでお悩みの方にも是非かけていただきたいです。
The good point of wooden glasses is light and get tired easily, has good feel. A customer of the sensitive skin said nice words that wooden glasses don't have rough skin in the sweaty summertime. And the glasses of this photograph got a prize from metallic allergy association. They are active with an idea to "had a comfortable time without being troubled with disease and allergy, and aim at the society where all can shine." for the metal allergy. I wish people troubled with allergy wear it.


眼鏡をお買い上げいただいた後は、無料でメンテナンスを承ります。 テンプル(つる)が広がったりゆるくなった際は修復いたします。 眼鏡を使用した味は残しつつ、塗装をし直してお返しいたします。



I maintain it free after you bought glasses. When temples spread out and became loose, I restore it. I return it after having usability of glasses, and painting it again.
※Please understand that you pay for shipping.

In addition, you can use the glasses for a long time when you are careful about next.

・This glasses finish with waterproof paint. Sweat and little rain are not problems. If glasses became wet or dirty, please wipe it with dry cloth or slightly wet cloth kindly.
・Please stop leaving behind into a car in summer and using in the sauna, because glasses is poor at high heat.
・Please don't tighten the screw too much. It causes damage of the frame and cutting of the screw.
・Please take straight off the glasses with both hands, because the temples open too much.
・When you carry glasses, please put it in a hard case. If your frame is damaged, I repair it. (Please understand that the repair is charged.)

It is the happiest as a craftsman to have you use the glasses carefully forever. Please love it forever.